Part 16: Goodbye, Parm NPC chatter
Double-size NPC Chatter update, but if I split it into two we'd finish the Steamer before wrapping up Parm. If you're looking for the interesting bits, skip straight to the last three screenshots.
We'll be starting up in Justin's room today to catch something that has been available since the beginning.

: Yep, I really...

: Did think about what I did.

: "Dear Diary, Mom really chewed me out for what I did to the old guy. Why? I did think about what I did."

: Umm.... Why did she chew me out this time? I threw only one cat a time.
The Icarian statue, however...
Yeah. Everything else keeps the same text, but the statue has something new about it.

: When I come back next, I'll be famous too!

: I'll make discoveries that'll surprise 'em all!
Back downstairs, we can tell Lilly that we're not quite ready for dinner yet. Nothing new between that and next morning, so let's skip ahead until after Justin's big cutscene.
The lamp is still lit on the table, but the sky outside is starting to brighten, and Justin's picture is still up on the wall. All for a room that would be very easy to lock you out of.

: I'm sure that Mom will understand.

: I'm just reserving this space now, but some day, I will....
Okay, I lied. This line is visible before dinner.

: I've got to brace myself and go to it. Right!
... But this follow-up isn't.
Anyway, with the Seagull done, let's head outside. Where of course everyone has something entirely new to say.

: Sure. It's a job. What about you? Why are you up so early?

: Can you keep a secret? I haven't told Mom yet, but

: I'm going to the New Continent!

: When I get there, I'll write letters to Mom and Sue. Bertie, you deliver 'em, OK?

: So you're finally going to the New Continent. I'll miss you. Don't worry! I'll make sure Lilly and Sue get the letters. You got nothing to worry about! Make sure you write as soon as you get there. Write to me, too!
The one good thing is that most of the houses are locked up for the night, cutting the number of NPCs to chat with down considerably.
Or rather, it
should do that, but... well, you'll see.
One building that is still open is the store, in case you absolutely need to stock up on Herbs or something.
Soldier guy who ate at the Seagull is still outside the train station. His dialog is mostly the same.

: You can say that again.

: But I won't get to for a while.
Top Hat Guy, though, has an entirely new conversation.

: Please don't make it rain. Today I'm gonna be basking in the sun all day.

: It's gotta be sunny today! After all, it's the historic day of departure of the adventurer Justin!

: So you're following in your Dad's footsteps and adventuring at last. Be a good adventurer, Justin!

: Thank you, sir! I'm gonna be the greatest adventurer ever!

: By the time you're back, Parm will have grown further. Show me how you've grown too.
Over by the museum, we see a familiar face.

: I'd like to build a "Justin Museum" too.
Well, I guess we should bite the bullet and apologize...

: Good morning, Justin! Up early today, are you? Practicing being an adventurer?

: I have to apologize to you, sir. It was I who broke the Icarian Statue.

: I'm sorry!

: So it was you, Justin! Hmm....

: Since you're so honest, I forgive you! But where are you off to so early?

: Hee hee. I'm taking today's Steamer to New Parm. By myself....

: My, my, how sudden.... I see. An ordinary adult would try to stop you I suppose.
Pretty sure all of the ordinary adults we've spoken to about it have encouraged us, actually.

: But I too had a falling out with my parents when I decided on an academic career.

: Mr. Curator! You got scolded by your parents too?

: HaHAHA! Everyone gets scolded by their parents once in a while.

: Is that right? New Parm, eh? I have two things to say to you. Stick with the things you like. And... write letters to your Mom.

: Of course I will!

: I may not be able to write many letters during the adventure, though.

: I believe in your future. Just be sure to take care of your health.

: Thank you, Mr. Curator!
Once again, even the goddamn pile of junk out in front of the museum has a new quote to go with it.
I wonder if they could have fit this game on one disc if they had gotten rid of all of this text?
Anyway, that's all for South Parm, so let's cross the bridge.

: Really? How so?

: Hee, hehehe....

: That Gantz of mine ought to take after you and wake up early once. That boy
ain't right is hopeless. I worry already about whether he'll be able to live on his own like his big brother. You're much better about that. Lilly must be relieved!
If you talk to her again, she'll summarize the conversation before continuing on.

: Justin, you're very independent. You can take care of yourself. Lilly must be relieved! My Gantz is nothing like that. Wish he'd take after you a little!

: Hahaha. Take after me? My Mom scolds me all the time.

: Scolding 'em is one way of loving 'em! I think I scold 'em too much, though! Hah hah hah! Now go on back home for breakfast. Lilly must be getting busy with preparations, right? I'll make lots of snacks today, so come on over later. Gantz will be happy to see you!

: Of all people, I didn't want this guy to see me.

: Hey, Justin. You up so early can only mean you're up to some kind of mischief.

: No, no. Not like that at all.

: Actually, I'm taking the Steamer on an adventure to the New World.

: What? To the New World? You really are an adventurer...? I didn't realize, Justin. Hmm. I guess I've said some pretty terrible things to you. Sorry, Justin.

: Naw, it doesn't bother me a bit. I know I've caused you trouble too. Let's call it even!

: Off to the New World, eh? It's not easy to make dreams come true. Stick with it and don't give up.
Not a new quote, but this conversation is missing the "I guess that's what competition is" bit from the night before.
This, however, is new. Also: it's awkward to be drinking coffee while typing these posts.
Anyway, just a few more NPCs to go before the port.

: I'm glad for you! Actually, I'm going too! We might be on the same ship.

: Ho ho ho. I don't think so, boy. I don't think so, boy. Elite corps soldiers don't take ships. So we can't be together. Elite corps coldiers.... I like the sound of that! Sends a shiver down my spine.
Body's aching all the time....
This guy doesn't watch the morning shift or the night shift. He watches the always shift.

: Isn't it tough getting up so early?

: It's a job, so it can't be helped! Our Young Men's Club has to protect the town of Parm!
Well, that wasn't so bad. Next up is the Port!
... Oh. That's where all the NPCs went. All those green arrows.

: Actually, I'm... getting on that ship and starting an adventure in the New World.

: Wow, REALLY!? Justin, I always thought you'd do that sometime. It's cool you're really doing it.

: But I didn't tell Mom about it. I couldn't bring myself to tell her.

: Hmm, so that's it. You know, I thnk she'll understand. Take care, Justin!

: No, sir. I wanted to get a good look at Parm before boarding the Steamer.

: What? Boarding the Steamer!? Planning on going to the New World!? By yourself? Incredible! Well, you gotta take chances when you're young. So good luck! Be sure to come back in one piece!

: Hee hee hee. Mr. Ren, you be sure to stay alive until I get back! I'll bring back a heap of stories.
And of course each and every one of those people has a few things to say.
Starting with the guard, telling him that we're not quite ready yet.
And, if we talk to him again after he opens the gate...

: Ask the crewman standing by the ship about boarding. Have a good trip, boy.

: Right! Thanks, sir! You take care, too!

: Right, it's so cool to be able to go to New Parm! I'm gonna be on the same ship!

: Yaaay! I'll be with you. Say, do you know when we get to New Parm?

: Hmm, well, um...

: Actually, I don't know either.

: Oh, you don't know either. I know! If I take lots of naps, I'll get to see Dad that much sooner.

: Ah haha. I'm not sure if naps will let you see him sooner, though.

: Awww. I want to play ball with Dad so bad.

: My husband works in New Parm. He was finally able to bring his family along. I'm so glad that all three of us can live together as a family. Who are you with, boy?

: I'm alone. And I'm not a boy! I'm an adventurer going to the New World!

: Wow. An adventurer you say. You're quite a boy to be boarding the Steamer alone.

: I TOLD YOU! I'm NOT a boy!
Oh dear! Selling coffee to minors? Shame on you!

: That's right, I haven't had breakfast.

: But I can hold out a little longer. I won't buy breakfast yet.

: How about a sandwich? Makes a nice breakfast.

: Hmm, I AM getting hungry.

: Not until I'm aboard ship. I've got to HOLD ON!

: How about a sandwich? Good for people who skipped breakfast and is trying to HOLD ON.

: Mmmmm, what'll I do?

: Nope. I still have to HOLD ON. I'm an ADVENTURER after all.

: How about a sandwich? Good for an ADVENTURER who skipped breakfast and is trying to HOLD ON.

: Uh Miss... are you TRYING to do that?
This line wasn't so bad before mid-November, 2011.
Although the second half of his quote is more applicable now than it was then.

: I want to hear all about it! I'm going to New Parm to become an adventurer!

: I'm so glad that you'd want to hear the stories of an old man like me. When I was still a greenhorn, I went on a trip to get advice from a famous adventurer. But one day when I was attacked by bandits and thought I was done for, one man came to save me. He was the famous adventurer Java. I was so stunned that I couldn't even thank him before he left.
Clearly bandits can't hold their coffee.

: Wow! Java really WAS a great man.

: You can't judge a book by its cover.

: Haven't seen Java since. I'd like to thank him.

: Wow!

: But isn't that just slacking off?

: Ya-ha. I'm Lightning Rick. I even eat my food quick as lightning!

: Oh, so you're the guy who comes to our restaurant, eats his food and is gone in a flash.

: Ya-ha. I'm Lightning Rick. Eat my food quick, take a bath quick. I'm outta there in three seconds flat!

: Eew. You sure you're washing your body enough?

: Ya-ha. I'm Lightning Rick. Quick to use my money, too. It's all gone the day I get it! What'll I do? I still got twenty days before payday.

: Eleven, twelve, thirteen... and here is the cargo. Huh? You have some business here?

: Say, sir. What have you been counting?

: I'm checking to see if all the cargo is here. We can't have even one mistake.

: Wow. The Steamer carries this much cargo. COOL!

: Whadda ya mean, boy? We don't have so much cargo today. Sometimes we carry three times this much.

: Hee hee. That's right!

: I see. You're following in your Dad's footsteps to be an adventurer. Lilly must be proud, right?

: Actually... I left without telling Mom.

: Is that so? You know, I think Lilly will understand and forgive you.

: Maybe, but not before three tray chops.

: That Lilly is sure quick with her hand when she gets mad. But that's the flip side of love.

: It sounds like you're doing something impressive.

: But aren't you just slacking off?

: Hee hee. They might say so on land. But just don't tell anyone that you found me here!

: I saw another sailor slacking off in the shade of a box over there. He was just as pompous as you.

: Mmmm! That must be Lightning Rock. Slacking off in style. Now I've gotta go AWOL even more.

: Now THAT is what's such a nuisance.

: I'm staking my name AWOL Joe on beating Lightning Rick at slacking off.

: If there are so many people slacking off, I see why it's taking so long to sail.

: Excuse me, sir.

: What is it, boy? Want me to cut yer pay too?

: Um, well, I don't exactly work here.

: Just wanna know what's holding us up.

: Oh, is that all. Ya see, the Garlyle boys've been keeping us busy with extra work.

: What are the Garlyle Forces doing on the New Continent?

: No idea. ... Maybe 'cus there're a lot of pretty women in the New World?

: I've never heard of such an irresponsible army.

: C'mon, everyone work harder! If we don't sail on time, I'll cut your pay and rations!

: Huh that guy? He IS looking very serious. Wonder what's wrong?

: To me he looks like he's thinking of jumping in. We gotta go stop him! No doubt about it! He's a jumper! Somebody stop him!

: Ugh... It's hopeless. I'm so tired....

: Yow! Don't kill yourself!

: Yikes! Phew. Don't surprise me like that. You almost made me fall! I was just waiting for interesting bottles drifting from the New World!

: Interesting bottles?

: Sure. I found an interesting little bottle that drifted here. I sold it for a good price. I was waiting to see if another one would come drifting by. Ugh. Nothing today. Can't find 'em every day. I'm tired. Think I'll go home and sleep.

: Aw! I was so worried about him, but he was just looking for drifting bottles? I'll kick the guy into the ocean!

: Yeow! Don't do that, sir!

: Whoops, sorry.

: Hey, hey out of the WAY! Can't you hear?

: SORREE! It wasn't on purpose.

: Gimme a break. I can't get my work done.

: I wasn't trying to get in your way.
Each of those are separate conversations, by the way. He doesn't keep berating you for speaking to him once.

: Aw shucks, I'm sorta embarrassed when people say that.

: New World dreams, hopes and new finds! The Adventurers Society is looking for a few first-rate kindred spirits!
At least this guy has something interesting to say.

: Sir, what are you mumbling about?

: What? I was just praying to the Sea Spirits so that we will arrive safely at New Parm. Praying to the Sea Spirits like this before sailing is a custom among sailors.

: Wow. I didn't know.

: Well, pray that I'm safe on my adventure too!

: Sure, I'll do that. I'm sure the Sea Spirits will protect you as long as they like you, though.

: This is MY first trip as an adventurer. I'm looking forward to it!

: I know what you mean! I was so excited last night I couldn't sleep. I'm so sleepy.

: Ah hahaha. Same here.

: But really I'm so nervous. I hope I don't mess up.

: Don't worry about failure! Hee hee. Let's both go for it!

: But Dad is crying like a baby. But I'll be back in two years and these ships are safe now. The age of the pirates is over. Blackbeard and Lilly the Skull-- they lived so long ago!

: Yikes!

: Wow, Mom was really famous wasn't she.

: The food over there is pretty spicy. I want to learn how to make as many delicious spicy dishes as I can!

: I came to see off my son. He's going to the New World to become a chef. But when I think of saying good-bye... ohh... I can't... stop crying. Please, please come back alive. Don't get caught by pirates.

: I guess Mom must be worrying about me, too. I've gotta come back in one piece, too!

: Son, please come back alive. Don't get caught by pirates. Don't get stranded on a desert isle.

: Sir, it'll be OK! I know your son will come back!

: Miss, just why exactly are you going to New Parm?

: Despite my looks, I'm a merchant. I'm going to New Parm to check out the popular clothes. When I got started in business, it was tough being a woman. Everyone looked at me funny.

: Wow. Must have been hard.

: I'll be rooting for you.

: I know, everyone calls ME a child. But I'm gonna be a great adventurer.

: Oh my, you have it rough, too. I guess they say you should endure the rough times when you're young. We are both young!

: That's right! Let's both do our best, OK, Miss?

: Whoo. There ARE people like that.

: I want to get on the ship so bad that it hurts.

: I get seasick... UURRP RETCH... just thinking about it.

: Wow! That's quite a talent! I don't envy you, though.

: I don't get seasick at all. My Dad was an adventurer. My Mom was a pirate!

: Dad was the captain of a freighter. Mom was a fisherman, and I'm a sailor! But I still....

: Yow! You're a sailor?

: Hahaha! I've never met a sailor who gets seasick!

: Don't laugh. I feel like crying.

: My boyfriend's coming home. Knowing him, when he sees me he's sure to give me a big hug. ♥

: Um, at the station didn't you say he was coming by train?

: Are you waiting for a different guy?

: Of course not! I'm a one-man woman! He was coming by ship but I waited for him half a year at the station. You're terrible for teasing me!

: Yikes! Sorry, I didn't know!

: But it took six months to realize you were waiting at the wrong place?

: Then a hole in the ocean floor makes a whirlpool that sucks you down. Heaven help me! Heave, ho. I think work on land suits me better.

: You boy, out of the way! Don't stand there, it's dangerous.

: Oh, sorry, sorry.

: Sir, you smell of salt air. A real "man of the sea".

: Wah hah hah. Me a man of the sea? Thanks, boy. To me, that's the greatest compliment. I got into this line of work dreaming of being a man of the sea. Actually, I couldn't swim a stroke.

: Huh, couldn't swim!? How could you become a man of the sea like that?

: Wah hah hah. Think so, huh? But ya know, I didn't give up, so now I'm a man of the sea. Oops. Gotta get working. Boy, don't forget your dreams. A man needs a big dream.
Said husband is hiding behind the sailor in this shot.

: It's so early, my kid's still asleep.

: It is early. Mom's probably not even getting ready to open yet.

: It's gonna be sad not being able to see my husband for a long time. But he looks so handsome in his sailor suit. ♥ I keep falling in love again. ♥

: That's pretty passionate for just coming to see him off.

: When I saw you in your sailor suit, it was love at first sight. You're just so handsome, dear. ♥

: Ah ha ha. I can't watch anymore!
Talking to the husband...

: You're the adventure story guy.

: Your being here means.... Could you be a sailor on the Steamer?

: Exactly, Justin. See you on the ship.

: So your story of the shark happened on a Steamer voyage! COOL!

: No, my adventure stories are from before I signed onto the Steamer. The Steamer's route is quite safe. Still, I do pray to the Spirits at sea to be sure I have a safe voyage. Justin, you ought to pray, too.

: Whoo, (urp)! Boy, (urp) you're in the way. I gotta get (urp) on the Steamer.

: Ugh, sir, you look sorta green. Are you all right?

: Don't be (urp) ridiculous. Sailors might get (urp) seasick, but we don't get (urp) sick.

: Sir, are you on the Steamer's crew? That's not very reassuring.

: Don't be silly (urp)! Don't make fun of men of the sea. I'm (urp) the navigator!

: YOU, the navigator!?

: Are we really going to make it to New Parm?
Eight more people, and then we can finally say goodbye to Parm.

: Yes, yes! That boy there, you get in line, too! Please, a double-file line!

: I'll line up, but stop calling me "boy".

: Yes, yes! But line up straight!

: Muphummm. I guess we're off to the New World.

: Sir, you have a violent snort there.

: Well of course. The New World is unknown land to me. Just thinking about working there.... I certainly have my fears. BUT! I have always succeeded so far. Even in unknown lands, I will succeed if I put my all into it. That gives me a violent snort.

: I think I can understand. MUPHUMMM!

: Muphummm. Here I go! Wait for ME, New World!

: Roger, I shall take my leave days off and go on a tour of New Parm! To be off duty and spread my wings!

: Wow. Soldiers go on tours, too.

: Hmm. Young sir, h-how did you know I was a soldier?

: The way you talk gave you away!

: Hmm. I guess it's no use. I'll just imitate a civilian. Ehem... hey, hey Miss... talk to me, roger?

: No civilian sounds like that!

: Just relax and talk like normal.

: Argh, I was just going on vacation and now I have to concentrate on relaxing!

: I think we still have a little misunderstanding.

: Oh, it's you, Justin. You going to the New World, too?

: Yup, that's right. Sir, is that where you're off to, as well?

: That's right... but how's everyone at work gonna get along without a hard-worker like me? I always showed up at work at lunchtime and went home at afternoon snack time.

: Wait a second. You call that hard-working?

: If such regularity isn't hard-working, what is? I even stayed home every rainy day. Oh well. Everyone at work always looked so unhappy. This will be a nice change.

: Sir.... They must have looked unhappy because of you.

: Should I go or should I stay? Should I go or should I stay? Hmm, what'll I do?

: Sir, what are you worrying about?

: It's so unseemly for a man to worry.

: Hmm, I know. I really want to go to the New World but I really am quite a worrier. Even just going around the corner, I worry if I turned off the lights or forgot to lock the door. I just worry myself sick. If I go all the way to the New World it'll be even worse.

: No point in worrying now. You can't go back to town.

: I could dive into the ocean and come back! But that'll be COLD. What'll I do?

: Oh, no. He's worrying again.

: Oh no, what shall I do!? I must have forgotten my inner tube.

: Oh, your inner tube. Guess you're going to New Parm on vacation.

: Oh my dear, of course not! Don't you need one if the ship sinks? Oh no, what shall I do!? I must have brought last year's bathing suit! With this bathing suit, I'd be so embarrassed and out of style when the ship sinks.

: Um... when the ship sinks, I don't think that's what you should be worrying about.

: A noblewoman must be prepared to show class no matter what happens.

: I wonder?

: I'm glad I'm an adventurer. I don't worry about swimsuit fashions.

: Whoo. ♪ You must be captivated by my wife's charms.

: Huh? Not exactly....

: That can't be! I was the one who coordinated my wife's clothes. I must be too far ahead of the times. I should have picked her clothes to better accentuate the beauty of her charming body lines. Aaargh. Neh he he. ♥ Actually, I'm hoping that the Steamer sinks. Know why? Because I want to see my beautiful wife in her swimsuit. ♥

: I don't think that's the point!

: I want to see my wife's swimsuit. ♪ Maybe the Steamer will sink. ♥ Oh boy, I'm looking forward to it. ♪

: Both of you say such unlucky things. The only thing that's going to sink is my heart.
There. With that, we're finally finished with Parm.
... Except no, it's not that easy. There's a dinner conversation we missed, way back during the Sult Ruins.
Back to here, where the Spirit Stone opens up the statue leading to Liete's room. After that, you leave.
Walk right past three different save points, go back to town, and eat a meal.
To get this.
Yep. And that's finally it for Parm. See you next time on the Steamer, finally!